Monday, June 13, 2011

How Do We Get To Heaven?

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Acts 4:12, Romans 3:9

Most people are trying to work their way into heaven. Even people who may not even believe in God might think that as an insurance policy they can just do more good things than bad things and that if there is a God and if there is a heaven and a hell, they will end up in the right place.

This is the way humans think, good takes us up and bad takes us down. But, this is not what God has to say about this. The Bible is very clear about how we get to heaven. Remember that God intended for all humans to live with him in paradise. God created Adam and Eve and placed them in a perfect state in a perfect world. God instructed Adam and Eve to have free rein over paradise but there was one thing they should not do. They should not eat of the fruit of a specific tree.

We all know that Adam and Eve disobeyed God and thus ruined the perfect world that God had created and put them in to enjoy. Everything changed that day and after the 10 commandments were provided and humans continued to miss the point, God had to become fully human to set the example for how we are to live.

By coming to this world in the form of Jesus, God showed us how to live. He went to the cross and died with the weight of every human sin on his shoulders. In Acts 4:12 we read that no salvation comes to any person without calling on the name of Jesus. In Romans 3:9 we read that there is no good person, not one.

The only way to get to heaven is to recognize that you need God and then to accept the free gift of grace given to each of us through the death of Jesus on the cross. Accept the fact that Jesus died in your place, that Jesus took your sins and through believing this, your sins are forgiven and you are on the way to heaven.

Now, because of Jesus' love for you, you are happy and ready to do good. You can't do enough good to save yourself, Jesus saves you then you are fit to do good out of a desire to please the one who has done so much for you.

It has been said, Jesus replaced what Adam erased. Because of this, we should all be about doing good. This is not our ticket to heaven, it is the way we are to live until we finally get back to paradise.