Friday, July 22, 2011

Breathing is a Miracle

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Ephesians 3

This week a real miracle happened and it made me realize that miracles are happening every day and I miss them. I actually tend to assume that all my hard work is getting a certain result but if I stop and analyze the situation, the excellent result could have just as easily been a poor result.

Let's just start with breathing. With all of the knowledge we have today about how our bodies work, there is still mystery. If we start giving God the credit due him for the fact that we are breathing this might help us all realize that so much of what happens is God moving on our behalf.

What happens when we take this approach? We will stop limiting ourselves to work on the things that we think possible and start opening up ourselves to what seems impossible to us but what is easy for God.

In Ephesians 3:12 we read, "When we trust in him, we're free to say whatever needs to be said, bold to go wherever we need to go." There is the key: we have to put our lives in the hands of the one who created us, who loves us and who knows what is best for us.

When you see a chair, you size it up and you decide if it will hold your weight. You decide if you can trust it before you take action to sit down on it. This is what God asks of us. To live a productive, worry-free life, we need only put our trust completely in him. We find this difficult because we might think that the chair can be trusted because we can see it and we have sat in that same chair in the past.

Look now at your own body and realized that God has keep you breathing from the moment you came from the womb. Give God the credit for this miracle that is happening right now for you. Next, commit to see God in everything you do and you'll start noticing the miracles are happening every day for you and people you know.

This builds your trust muscle so you can let God move you to take action on the big, bold plans he has for you.