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Acts 2:37 - 3:11
At this point in the scripture we see that Peter catches fire. He had been on-again-off-again with Jesus. Just like us. We say we believe but then in a crunch we often collapse and turn to our human wits to solve a problem or explain ourselves. The Message translation of the Bible says that Peter preached to the people gathered and said, "Change your life. Turn to God and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, so your sins are forgiven. Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." That day, 3,000 men and women took up Peter's offer and were baptized.
One day, Peter and John were going to the Temple for prayer and they saw a crippled man who had been sitting at the Temple gate for years. He was calling out for help from anyone who might give him money or food.
Peter said to the man, "Look here."
This is the first step to being part of God's miracle-making. We have to notice people in need, we have to be ready and available for God to use us to heal a person who is broken in body or spirit. Any person who does not know Christ is sick and Jesus commanded us to reach out to every person in need. Peter and John set the example for us in this passage.
Peter said, "I don't have a nickel to my name, but what I do have, I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!" The man got up and walked and everyone was amazed.
The second step we must take is to tell our own story of salvation to others. We can tell how Jesus took our sick and broken lives and made us well. God may not use you to make a crippled person walk but he will use you for sure to lead a broken spirit to wholeness.
You do not need to do anything for God but out of love for God and for his creation, you will do good. There are people in our congregation who are hurting today because of the death of a three-year old and the death of a good, strong man who was a husband and father of four. There is pain all around and you can be a healing source.
First, notice the pain. And second, share the love that Jesus has put in you. Catch Peter's fire and you can bring on the miracles.