Monday, October 24, 2011

Lead with Grace and Kindness

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Matthew 15:21-39  --  Audio file is at the end of this text.

We've entered a Presidential election cycle and something happened a few days ago about which I want to comment.  The pastor of First Baptist Church, Dallas, made very harsh comments about the Mormon religion and I believe this is unfortunate.  Mormons do not believe in the trinity and consider Jesus to be the son of God, not God.  I agree with Dr. Jeffress of Dallas that this is not what the Bible says and that as people of the Word, we would assume that most Mormons are not Christ-followers.

However, how are we as Christians to confront those who don't agree with us?  I don't believe in being confrontational and I do believe that this is what Jesus teaches us in Matthew 15.  Jesus was very busy healing people and in this passage a woman begged him over and over to heal her daughter.  This woman was a Canaanite and Jews did not speak to Canaanites as they considered them unclean.  Was Jesus harsh and judgmental?  Was he rude and disrespectful?  No, he was patient.

The disciples were annoyed by this Canaanite woman and Jesus seemed at first to be focused on other problems and he ignored her.  But she was persistent and finally Jesus recognized her tremendous faith that she had placed in him and he granted her request.  Matthew 15:28 says, "Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment."

Does it make sense that those of us who have taken Christ as our personal savior and who have the Holy Spirit abiding in our hearts can take the gracious way when it comes to our interactions with people who don't agree with us?  Of course.  We need to stand out because of our grace and kindness not because of our over-bearing condemnation.

The Bible records two events when Jesus fed thousands of people when he multiplied a few loaves of bread and few fish.  In the first story he fed Jews and in this story he fed people he, as a Jew, was taught to not only ignore but to look down upon.

Did Jesus spend any time condemning the Canaanites?  No, he spent all of his time ministering to their physical needs through healing and feeding.  It was then he had their attention to preach to them his message of love.

His disciples thought all along that Jesus was all about the Jews and that Jesus would wipe out the Roman Empire and become the King like they had in the days of King David.  We know now that Jesus came to save each of us and his salvation takes us beyond a single throne.  Jesus saves each of us to follow him here and into eternity.

Did  Dr. Jeffress draw Mormons to him as Jesus drew in the Canaanites?  I don't think so.  Presenting Christianity should never be confrontational.  When you have Christ, you have the peace that passes all understanding and there is no need to be negative.  Let each of us think before we act or speak:  will my actions and speech bring glory to God?  Do I draw people in with my love and compassion?  Do people want what I have that they can't see but they realize it is good?  Our daily prayer should be:  Father, let Christ shine forth from me so that my life will draw the world to you.