Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Planted in God's Word

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Joshua 1:1-9    Matthew 26:36-46, 52-54, 64          Audio file is at the end of text.
What do you stand for?  Who do you stand with?  Does it matter?    Last week we looked at Psalm 1:1-3 which is the famous opening of the most widely read collection of poetry of all time.  David writes that the Godly person is the one who is like a tree planted by the water.  Here David is saying that the water is the Word of God.  If you plant yourself in the Word of God, then you will be able to withstand the storms of life.  The tree planted by the water's edge grows deep roots so that when trouble comes, the tree is able to hang tough and live no matter what adversity comes its way.

When you read the Bible you might imagine the stories are about some kind of archetype or composite of humanity but that is not the case.  The Bible is about real people who lived and it tells the true story of their lives.  We can watch these men and women stumble then see God come to their rescue over and over again.  We know that when Jesus was a child he studied the Word of God.  He knew the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Joshua.  We know from reading the sermons of Jesus that he had much of the Word of God memorized
.  We can be sure that Jesus planted himself like a tree by the water which was God's Word.

Jesus was fully man; he worked in his father's carpenter shop.  He probably hit his thumb a few times with a hammer and as he was learning he probably made mistakes that his father demanded he fix.  One of the stories he knew was the story of Joshua, the man who took the place of Moses which must have been intimidating.  In Joshua 1 we learn that God himself spoke to Joshua as he had to Moses and verses 1-9 are what I call a pep talk.  That's right,  God gave Joshua a pep talk to get him off to a powerful start

God says basically, "do what I tell you to do and no matter what happens I will never leave you.  You will never be alone in any battle that presents itself. You must have strength!  You must have courage and give life everything you've got.  Don't hold back.  Don't get off my path.  And most of all, never forget my commandments then you will enjoy success
."  This is the prosperity gospel that God is preaching right here.  God says follow my laws and keep grounded in my Word and you will be a success.

In Matthew 26 we find Jesus in the toughest struggle of his life.  He knows he will be taken into custody by the Romans, he will be beaten, he will be nailed to a wooden cross and left to die.  This will all happen to him for no logical reason; it will happen because it was his calling, his purpose for taking on the human form.  Now he is re-thinking what he told God he would do.  He is discouraged and sorrow is crushing him.  He should be at the height of his career.  He had thousands of people following him and wanting him and waiting for him.  In today's world he would be the pastor of the mega-Church and on TV.  If he could convince God to let  him out of the commitment maybe he could just go back to the way things were before this night

Jesus prayed to God and asking that he be relieved of this task God said, "No, my will is for you to die."   What gave Jesus courage?  Courage and strength came from the discipline he had exercised all of his life.  The discipline to study, learn and live by the Scriptures.  Joshua could have come to mind that night in the garden.  Joshua stayed close to God, did what God told him to do and God brought him through.  So Jesus is thinking, "If Our Father brought Joshua through, he'll bring me through, too.  I am not alone, my Father is here with me because he promised and my Father, God always keeps promises."

Jesus was brought to trial and when it was over, Pilate, who had seen hundreds of trials, "was amazed."  Pilate saw strength, courage, calm and even peace in a man like he had never see before.  You see, Pilate didn't know about the personal relationship Jesus had with God.  Pilate didn't know how to plant himself in the living water of the Word of God.  Pilate didn't know the scriptures Jesus had studied and was now thinking about.  Scripture like Joshua 1:9 where we read, "Strength!  Courgage!  Don't be timid; don't get discouraged.  God, your God, is with you every step you take."

Are you ready for trials and trouble like Jesus was ready?  It's not too late to stand for God and with God and in God's word.
   Be like the tree planted by the water.