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John 21:12-25 Audio file is at the end of this text.
Last week we answered the question, what now? This week we answer the question, what next? The resurrection happened and the disciples were a bit undone. They were rudderless, floundering, and this is because they were being tested. Their faith had been shaken. This situation teaches us that we will all be tested, shocked and surprised by life.John 21:12-25 Audio file is at the end of this text.
In verse 12 Jesus is on shore and invites the disciples to eat breakfast with him. During his three-year ministry of healing and teaching, the disciples had seen Jesus perform miracle on top of miracle and this day they were the beneficiaries of still another miracle. Last week we talked about it. They had been fishing all night, doing things their way and caught nothing. As soon as they followed Jesus' instructions they caught so many fish they could hardly bring the catch to shore.
While our faith will be shaken, we must draw close to Jesus for our next instruction! We find the disciples are eating breakfast with Jesus and this is the third time he had appeared to them since his death and resurrection. Now that they are happy with their amazing catch and full of breakfast, Jesus starts to teach again. By giving specific instructions to Peter he speaks to us all.
Jesus says, if you love me you must do three things with your lives. He says, "Feed my lambs, shepherd my sheep and feed my sheep." Lambs are the young and we know from other scriptures that a person who harms a child is to be, "thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck." If we love Jesus it is clear we are to take care of the children.
Remember that sheep are stupid and not like so many of the fend-for-themselves breeds. For example, lions in the wild don't need help to survive. Jesus is saying to us that we must be shepherds. We must be helpful, be teachers, mentors and guides because all around you everyday people are likely to get into trouble. We are to be the shepherds who guide the ones we love away from danger and into green pastures.
Third we are to care for all who are in need. This is Jesus bringing his commandment to "love your neighbor as yourself" into focus again. Peter was a fisherman by trade and now Jesus called him to be a shepherd. You may be a teacher or coach or sales person by trade and at the same time you are called by Jesus to be a shepherd.
Next Jesus warns Peter that he will die a death by crucifixion. In verse 20 Peters asks what will happen to John? Jesus basically says, "you just mind your own business." What a great insight we get from Jesus here. We learn what we are to do with our lives and while we go about being obedient, we are not to be concerned about what will happen or not happen to another Christ-follower. This is a profound warning: while you may suffer, another follower might appear to have an easy life.
God's plan for you is to protect children and love your neighbor as yourself. Be about the business of serving others and Jesus will take care of the rest.