Sunday, March 27, 2011

There are only two rules in this game called life.

Go to the home page: Do You Need A Winning Game Plan For Your Life?

John 12:20 - 50; Numbers 21:4-9

As you read the Gospel of John, remember that when Jesus spoke these words to his disciples, there were no Christians.
Even the word, Christian, didn't exist. And, there were no churches. From the perspective of a Jew living in Israel, there were only Jews and gentiles (non-Israelite people).

In this passage of scripture (John 12:20), some Greeks have asked to meet Jesus. It is just six days before Passover. Just the day before, Mary had poured three quarters of a pound of expensive aromatic oil from nard or Spikenard. It is a flowering plant of the Valerian family and that oil could have been sold and earned 300 silver coins - denarii - or a year's wages at that time.

Jesus has already entered Jerusalem on a donkey where crowds of people, anticipating that he was the new Messiah, shouted, "Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!" And, the powerful people of this time and place, the chief priests and Pharisees were beside themselves, "Look the world has run off after him." (John 12:19)

Jesus had demonstrated miraculous powers. He had just called Lazarus to rise from the dead. And, those in power were ready to stone him to death.

The world hasn't changed much. The two rules, also known as commandments, haven't changed either: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength," and "Love your neighbor as yourself." These rules eluded most of the people of Jesus time and they elude most people today.

How well do we know these two commandments? You can read the source materials, Matthew 22:37 (also, Deuteronomy 6:5) and Matthew 22:39 (and also, Leviticus 19:18)?

What don't we understand?

What is so hard to get about this simple message?

Now, Jesus was a relatively simple man. He was a carpenter's son and he probably was a carpenter's apprentice. You can still get a job as a carpenter's apprentice. They still get splinter's in their hands and we can assume that Jesus was no exception.

He was fully a man.

Yet, in John, the Gospel writer quotes Jesus as saying in John 10, verse 17, "This is why the Father loves me - because I lay down my life, so that I may take it back again. No one takes it away from me, but I lay it down of my own free will. I have the authority to lay it down, and I have the authority to take it back again. This commandment I received from the Father." And then in verse 30, he continues and says, "I and my Father are one."

Yes, Jesus was also fully God.

So what do you do as a result of John 10? ...with John 11 and John 12?

Do you believe that this man did come to show us a new way?
Do you believe the way is simple?

It is. And, it is not. We are all so perfectly human, we sin (separate ourselves from God) and we fall short. We simply must be forgiving... forgiving others for their shortfalls, their humanity, and forgiving ourselves for our own shortfalls.

Let us in this time and in these times, walk to the cross and die within that perfect love so we, too, may live forever.