Ephesians 4:1-5
Paul makes it very clear how we are to act after we have accepted Christ. If you are a follower of Christ, you are to be busy! You are not to sit on your hands and wait for things to happen. The Message translation of verse 1 says, "I want you to walk--better yet, run! -- on the road God called you to travel." The NIV says, "I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received."
Some might wonder what road God has called them to travel and but as Christians there is no wondering. We are to travel toward the only true God and the more we study the Bible the more clear the road becomes. Our calling is to Christ and to a life of service.
How are we to act on the road? Paul says we are to be humble, gentle and patient. He also insists that we are to, "Pour ourselves out for each other in acts of love and be quick to mend fences."
Many might think that humble means you put yourself down or walk with your head hanging low. That is not what this word means. Humble means you do your work with competence and confidence and you keep your mouth shut. You don't need to brag or beg for attention because your good work stands as the testimony of your life.
We saw this delivery truck on the streets of London when we were there last month. The company tag line is, "Well done is better than well said." This is what we want others to say about us and for sure when we meet Jesus face to face we hope he'll say to us, "well done."
Gentle does not mean weak. Think about a thoroughbred horse. If you have ever looked closely at one of these amazing animals you see the power from their ankles to their nostrils. The trainers keep them calm and gentle as they rest and then when it is time to run, the horse focuses every ounce of muscle, bone and blood to run the assigned race. Where is the horse looking? This perfectly built and trained animal is looking at the finish line and this is an image we can use for our life. We are to be fit for the work. We are to train and rest in God's power then release our God-given strength to the task.
When, "our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and nothing less," we can and will be patient. This is difficult since we have technology constantly speeding things for us. It is as if God doesn't move as fast as a text message we quit.
If you think being humble, gentle and patient will challenge you, wrap your mind around the last part of this passage we are looking at today. As followers of Christ we are to love each other so much that we pour ourselves out for each other and when we disagree, we are to quickly mend the fences. We are to be one bonded by Christ's love for us.
Paul is not saying you must bind yourself to non-believers. We are to love every person and when it comes to daily activity of course we are kind and loving to every person. However, we are be close to, depend upon and support our fellow followers of Christ. We need each other because when one of us is weak the others will pick us up.
And why do all of this? We do it all because we believe that we have, "one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all."
God knows we are weak, needy and easily confused so he gives us all the details we need to live out our true calling.