Matthew 10:16-28 Audio of this message at the end of the text.
Truett Cathy, the founder of Chick-fil-A has consciously built a business on Biblical principals. He started in the restaurant business in 1946 and after inventing a new way to cook chicken, launched the Chick-fil-A brand in 1961. The mission statement says, "We are in business to glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A." Even though they have always been closed on Sunday, in 2010 Chick-fil-A became the most productive fast-food company measured by average sales per store. Chick-fil-A generates $2.7 million per year per store while the second most productive is McDonald's with $2.4 million per year per store. And remember, Chick-fil-A does it in a six-day week!
Look at our passage for today. Jesus explains in advance what we are seeing play out in the life of Truett Cathy and his family-owned company. We read here that if we are following Jesus, we are going to be thrown to the wolves. We are going to face problems, ridicule, persecution and all forms of adversities. Satan is stalking us, watching and waiting to trip us up. Satan is the second most powerful force on this earth and we can't beat him back. Only Jesus can beat him back.
Jesus says, "Be shrewd like a snake and calm like a dove." This week we saw Truett Cathy's son do this. He stayed calm and even offered free lemonade to a tiny group of protesters. When you make a full-court-press effort to stand on Biblical principals, you will be blessed. We are not all going to build billion-dollar companies. But, we will all be blessed, protected, and loved. Jesus knows the number of hairs on your head. He loves you so much and is so concerned about your well-being that he keeps track of your every move and thought.
Let us all be inspired by men and women who we see standing up to Satan. If you have have given your heart to Jesus, you have what they have. When Satan attacks you will be shrewd like a snake and calm like a dove.